Routine eye examinations
We perform comprehensive eye exams for children and adults of all ages. We bill most extended health care benefits.
Adult Exam:
Adults between the ages of 19 and 64 are recommended to have eye examinations every two years or more frequently if there is a medical diagnosis. We perform dilated fundus examinations to look for early signs of eye diseases such as glaucoma.
Senior Exam:
Seniors are recommended to have an eye examination annually to monitor for age related eye disease. Retinal scanning is done on all senior patients and referrals are made to ophthalmologists when needed.
Pediatric Exam:
Per our BC Doctors of Optometry guidelines, children are recommended to have their first eye examination between 6-9 months of age, followed by, at least, annual visits between the ages of 2 and 19. As children, grow their eyes and vision may change, requiring routine evaluations. We look for early signs of myopia, strabismus (“eye turn”) or amblyopia (“lazy eye”).

Myopia Management
Myopia (nearsightedness) is an eye condition affecting many people, including children. It is defined as the inability to see clearly in the distance. This inability occurs because the length of the eye (axial length) is too long or the shape of the cornea or lens is too curved. The image becomes focused in front of the retina rather than on the retina, creating a blurry image. Glasses and/or contact lenses can be used to correct myopia. Axial length measurements are done to monitor the progression of myopia in children along with routine refractions. If myopia is progressing quickly in pediatric patients, we may prescribe low dose Atropine drops or Miyosmart lenses to help slow the progression.
Emergency Care
We provide emergency eye care for:
- foreign body
- chemical injury
- black spots/floaters
- flashes of light
- acute loss of vision
- red/painful eye
Please call the office to book an appointment if you are experiencing any of these symptoms and we will try our best to fit you in as soon as possible.

Ocular Disease Treatment and Management
Eye diseases including, but not limited to, diabetic and hypertensive retinopathy, glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration are diagnosed and monitored. We also co-manage with ophthalmologists.
Extended Diagnostic Testing
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT), Fundus Photography and Visual Field testing are used to aid in the diagnosis of glaucoma and macula degeneration among other diseases.
Wide View Fundus Photography with optos
We also offer the optomap as an essential component of our eye exams. The optomap generates a unique, high-resolution 200° image that allows Dr. Sarai to thoroughly assess the health of your retina, offering a significantly wider view than the traditional 45° image. Many eye conditions can develop without noticeable symptoms; in fact, you might not experience any change in your vision. Fortunately, a comprehensive retinal examination can detect diseases and damage such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, retinal tears or detachments, as well as other health issues like diabetes and high blood pressure.

Laser Refractive Surgery Co-Management
We provide co-management for laser refractive surgery patients. The visits include pre-op comprehensive exam and all post-op visits for the first year.
Cataract Surgery Co-Management
Cataract pre operative targets are discussed, referrals are made to the surgeon and post op visits are performed typically at day 1, week 2 and week 6 after cataract surgery.

Night Vision Testing
We conduct night vision testing for job applications.